Celebrating Women’s History Month
Happy Tuesday! Are you also surprised that it’s already March? Ringing in the annual tradition of… *checks calendar* … Women’s History Month!
Time to dust off the inspirational quotes about glass ceilings, pioneering women, and fire up the “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar” playlist (because apparently, we should still roar).
While Women’s History Month can sometimes feel like a Hallmark holiday with a slightly more serious message, it’s important to remember the why behind the what. *cue history lesson*

The Rise of the Female Trailblazers: Enter the Era of Power Suits and Paychecks (Finally!)
The feminist movement of the 20th century was basically a giant middle finger to the status quo. Women like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan said, “Enough is enough!” They demanded equal rights, equal pay, and the chance to, you know, not wear an itchy petticoat every day.
Cue the “Baby Boomers”
This generation saw a surge in working moms. While they might’ve faced resistance from some “stay-at-home” parents, these women paved the way for future generations to juggle careers and motherhood with ninja-like efficiency.
Gen X Women: Breaking the Glass Ceiling (and Maybe a Few Wine Glasses)
Gen X women entered the workforce with a “can-do” attitude and a healthy dose of skepticism towards the whole “glass ceiling” thing. They saw their mothers break barriers and weren’t about to let a metaphor hold them back. This generation saw a significant increase in women in leadership positions, proving once again that women can lead, manage, and rock a killer suit (with slightly wider shoulder pads, of course).
Millennials: The Work-Life Balance Renegades (and the Masters of Side Hustles)
Millennial women grew up with the expectation of a career, not just a job. They value flexibility and work-life balance, thanks in part to the trailblazing moms who came before them. This generation embraces technology and side hustles, turning their passions into paychecks. They’re also the generation most likely to call out unequal pay and demand change.

Gen Z: Make Room for the Latest Generation in the Workforce
Gen Z are growing up in different environments from previous generations. They “value individual expression,” “mobilize themselves for a variety of causes,” and “believe profoundly in the efficacy of dialogue to solve conflicts and improve the world.”
With all this constant change, this is much more than just some history lesson – it’s a present-day reminder. A reminder that women have always been there, pushing boundaries, breaking barriers, and, yes, occasionally roaring in the face of adversity. *cue Katy Perry – Roar*
With that being said, how can we approach this month with both respect and a healthy dose of humor?
Here are a few tips:
- Challenge Biases: Understanding the historical context of women’s struggles helps dismantle unconscious biases that may still exist in our society today.
- Ditch the clichés: We’ve all seen the “women holding up the world” memes and “strong female character” tropes a million times. Let’s celebrate the real, diverse experiences of women, from the boardroom to the battlefield, and everything in between.
- Humor? Yes, but responsibly: A little laughter can go a long way, but remember, the goal is to celebrate, not belittle. Aim for humor that empowers and uplifts, rather than reinforces tired stereotypes.
- Amplify diverse voices: Not all women’s experiences are created equal. This month, use your platform to showcase the stories of women from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and walks of life.
- Go beyond the month: While Women’s History Month provides a dedicated focus, let’s not relegate our appreciation and advocacy for women to just 31 days. Let’s strive for continuous acknowledgment and support throughout the year.
Women’s History is a continuous journey that requires ongoing effort, open minds, and maybe even a sprinkle of humor along the way. So, let’s celebrate Women’s History Month, but let’s also remember that the real celebration is ongoing, every single day!