Thank you for visiting my new website!
Recreating has definitely been a labor of love and it would of never have become a reality if it was not for the help of some very talented and web savvy people. I am sure I tested the patience of everyone that gave me guidance and assistance through the website development process and I can’t thank them enough! (I think my poor husband will go crazy if I show him one more photo or read him one more piece of promotional copy!)
In the spirit of giving back, I would love to give you a free copy of Generations Inc., Digital Video Download. This is a live performance of one of my most popular programs co-presenting with my co-author (also known as my DAD) Larry Johnson.
This is a $199 value. I want to offer you a FREE download simply as a Thank you!
I want to thank you for your business, your support and your continued efforts to make the world a multi-generational Shangri-la.
To receive this gift, please click here:
Thanks again for visiting. Please feel free to explore the new and improved, view the videos, sign up for the Ezine and send me your feedback.
Meagan Johnson
Bright, Funny, Delightfully Obnoxious Generational Humorist!